How it works

Step 1

Select a product

Find the product you need with ease. Filter by price, type, and inventory to get the best selection.

Step 2

Create a purchase order

Fill out the quantity, shipping address as well as any further notes. We will automatically generate a purchase order. After clicking “Submit Order” your request will be submitted immediately.

Step 3

Buyer accepts

After the supplier accepts the order you'll need to go in and pay. At this point the order becomes binding. We offer payment via credit cards & Automated Clearing House network (ACH --- 0.8% fee with a $5 max). In certain cases for orders over $5k, we will accept wire transfer.

Step 4

Order ships

After payment is received the supplier will ship out the order and enter tracking details for you to see.

Step 5

Delivery and inspection

When the order is delivered and inspected please login to the platform to complete the order and review the product.

* A note about payment terms and our escrow: For orders under 5k we collect 100% of the payment upfront and then disperse it from the escrow account according to payment terms. For larger orders, we can collect a percentage upfront and a percentage on delivery.